Sunday, March 13, 2016

SBA (Spring Break Adventure), Day 1 - How do we get outta here?

You cannot escape the responsibility of tomorrow
 by evading it today.

                                                                  ~Abraham Lincoln

No, but we can try.

We (DH and I) have been planning an adventure for a couple of months with JRF. "Let's just get outta town. So, where do you want to go?" I asked. "Chicago? New York? DC?" "Washington D.C.," replied JRF. And so, tickets almost in hand,* with some minimal planning done, we fly out tomorrow to our nation's capital.

The wildflowers were just starting their bloom along the roadways. Bluebonnets and paintbrushes are showing a little color against the green-green of the rain-brightened ditches and fields. It has rained off and on (mostly on) for the past week. We drove through pockets of rain on our way south. But finally the sun came out.

Family brought JRF more than half-way to meet us for BBQ before the hand-off. We ate at a restaurant of renown. And it was more than good. We visited, told stories, caught up on "what the kids are doing," missed those not there, shopped, tasted some wine, stalked some cats, waded in the creek, skipped some stones, hugged each other, and headed off the the next thing.

My neighbor's plate. He guarded it well.
DH laughed a knowing "she's going to want a bite of pork rib" laugh.
DH checks his email while others shop. This never happens...really, who is this guy?
WH stalks the wild vineyard cat while JRF checks his phone.
One of the wild vineyard cats - do you see it?
Good camouflage.
The gardens were slightly ahead of the wildflowers.
Like something from a Van Gogh.
Johnny jump-ups for my sister.
It's a small vineyard.
Fruit trees are in bloom.
Buttercups smiled at us creekside.
There were signs of earlier flooding.
But the creek was beautiful and flowing. I have seen this creek when it was not much more than a puddle.
WH can skip a stone.
Family on the creek.
In the dark cave-like space in the far bank ferns grow.  A spring flows there,  renewed by recent rains. My attempts to wade barefoot to the spring resulted in wet slacks and sore feet. Next time I will bring my river shoes.

It is evening now and we are going to call this day early. We have braved some wretched traffic a few times today. Each time we have recovered quickly and escaped any too-long jams. Hopefully our luck will continue.

The time will change in the early morning. We must be at the airport early enough to avoid the crowds, but not too early after all. It is JRF's first flight and so we briefed him on security precautions. "Don't worry," said I. "I'll walk you through it." **

JRF is a trusting soul. He believes me (well mostly he does - he is wisely wary of the aunt-who-teases). So, while he knew it will be fine, he also had a slight worried look. It's the look we all get when trying something strange and new.

"It's really not a big deal," I explained to JRF, "but you have to stand in line and it takes a little more time." Then I thought to check our boarding passes on-line, only to discover we are all pre-approved. We laughed and shrugged. I encouraged him to watch the folks going through the process tomorrow - "then you will be ready for your next trip," I said.

So, now I should stop writing and repack my suitcase. It is entirely too heavy. I need to move a few things into the carry-on. I always try to be ready in case a suitcase goes missing - they do, you know. But we are a casual bunch and we will be prepared.

Tomorrow the airport!


* Does anyone get a "ticket" anymore? Our boarding passes were negotiated automatically as we drove south. We won't have them "in hand" until the airport.

** I fear we frightened him a bit. It's the whole x-ray vision thing I suspect...and wanting to get through without any problems. I was 14 once. I remember wanting to do things right and NOT wanting to call attention to myself. And there is so much still to be learned at 14.
You cannot escape the responsibility of tomorrow by evading it today. Abraham Lincoln
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You cannot escape the responsibility of tomorrow by evading it today. Abraham Lincoln
Read more at:

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the violas. They are better in salads than the oleanders. You negotiated security so well.


Thanks for coming along on the walk. Your comments are welcome.