Tuesday, June 9, 2015


Up early and out the door for a walk.

How long has it been since I could say that? How long since I needed the flashing runner's light to make sure the cars saw us in the dim light of dawn?

We are still adjusting to too much time. We do have plenty to do, but no real structure unless we have appointments or classes. More early mornings may help us move along.

For now, I am going to enjoy the moment.

Good morning, park!
DH is training for a canoe trip. (He is only holding the leashes while I "clean up" and take a photo or two.)
You knew I would check on the leatherflowers. Look at that "wild-haired" seed pod.
So sweet.
We weren't the only ones up. The birds sang for us. Some neighbors were heading to work. And a few young people were up and moving early. I spoke to a couple of girls who walk past the house often.

And then there were the spiders in the park. I turned on the flash to catch the webs.

The spiders were catching insects along the edge of the woods.
This web was a little more ragged. How nice to see them and now discover them by "walking through."
There goes the garbage truck as DH and the dogs head home.

OK. Two last photos before we go:

The blues, pinks and gold of a Parrish morning.
I will "date" this post and myself), but when I see these seeds I think "Don King hair" or "tiny Muppets in the woods" (and even "Phyllis Diller").

It's time for breakfast.

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