Thursday, February 27, 2014

25 degrees and cranky

I am still adjusting from a short visit to the east coast. So I was up at 4:45 this morning and gave up going back to sleep.

DH humored me (well, he wasn't going to run this morning anyway and needed to work out the sore muscles from last evening's X-fit ) sort of and agreed to a walk.

We headed out with the morning star* shining brightly before us. The sky was clear and the temperature dropped to what will be the coldest for the week. The puppies were happy to escape their crates. The weather folks could not decide what the temperature would be last night so we brought the dogs in (They are not well-behaved....we have had too many destructive games of tag in the house.) We heard estimated lows  from 23 to 30 and decided to err on the side of keeping them warm and safe inside.

The frost glistened on the grass. The moon showed itself, a sliver in the east, hanging low in the sky. It was a spooky scene viewed between the naked branches of pecan trees in the park.

The morning star is to the right. A blurry red radio tower light is to the left. The other light may be a blurred moon - or not. (Grumpy took this photo and was not amused by trying to work his smart phone in gloves...)

That's it.

We went to the park and then walked home.

DH was cranky.

What do you expect on a Thursday morning?


* It was probably a planet.

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