Friday, December 20, 2013

When one hasn't walked in a while...

The streets were slick with that thin film of moisture from a "less than a mist" of precipitation. I had thought our only hazard would be the carpeting of leaves* along the route, but the streets proved to be a sly danger.

Leaves almost cover the sidewalk

Messy looking pecan leaves.

Bur oak leaves still clinging on.

More oak leaves in a neighbor's yard.

Our yard...I do not want to rake!#

Paddy contemplating the mixed oak leaves - Bur and Red

 It was too late a start for my introverted DH. Neighbors were out. They talked to us.

We saw a young man at the house with the red door and asked about the flashlight. (See "It was a cold and rainy night" and "Little dog lost" regarding the yellow flashlight). One always knows that all hope is lost when a person diverts attention from self to sibling. "Oh, didn't my brother bring the flashlight back to you?"

It appears I will be purchasing a new flashlight for DH as there was a U-Haul trailer parked at the house with the red door. I suspect the flashlight is long gone or will be soon. Ah, well. Finding Abby the boxer was more important than the yellow flashlight.

We dodged the morning rush hour traffic along our street. We avoided the speeding park employees, clearly late for work.

DH tried to convince me that the mist had made the dirt road "un-walkable," but I am no fool.

The slight breeze at our back took our scent before us and no deer showed themselves today. We could hear them in the brush alongside the road. We could also hear the gentle rustle of the dried grass of the meadows as the wind moved across creating wave upon wave.

In the dim morning light the meadows appeared less "seas of grass" than the tawny pelt of some enormous creature, rustling, rousing itself after a long night's sleep - the haw-hawing of the crows startling us and startling the meadow creature awake.

The 7:15 train rumbled in the distance and then blasted its warnings as it reached the crossings in our small town. 

Ah, and DH was impatient today. There was little time for a wandering mind and bad photos.**

As we headed for home the boys far outpaced the girls. I had seen a vision just past the candy cane house (Our neighbors are all decorated for the holidays. We are not.) - someone had been cleaning at the cat man's house. The trash cans were full. Sticking out of the containers were old, tired brooms and a mop...the tired or, perhaps, the retired.


DH and Walker

As I snapped away - unhappy with each image - a disembodied voice called something from the garage.

 "Excuse me?" I replied.

 "Are you going to make a collage?" came the voice again.

"No," I replied. "I just thought this looked cool and wanted a photo for my blog. I write about my walks."

Then, out of the garage came Jane. We chatted for a good while. She was the creative mind behind the interesting trash assemblage. I learned quite a bit in our short visit. She "is what 67 looks like." And, yes, she is an artist - mixed media - acrylic and fiber. She shares her home with "two and a half cats."

"A half?" I inquired.

"Yes, I discovered one in the rafters of the garage," she explained. "It looks exactly like one of mine, so I named it Ditto and only count it as a half."***

I must admit I had to ask her name a second time before my rusty memory devices worked. **** Then Jane headed off to work and I headed home, wondering when I would see DH driving towards me. I had tarried too long and he would have started to worry.

Ah, Paddy and I were two blocks from home before DH could be seen driving our direction. He saw us too and headed back around the block.*****

Time to take cars to the shop, eat breakfast, and perhaps put up some lights.


*  I have tried to capture samples of the carpets (in some spots) and rugs (in others) of the fallen leaves. We expect a front tonight/tomorrow. I have learned that my procrastination - I will stop and take a picture another day - allows too many images escape. The leaves will (hopefully) be scattered in the wind.

**  I have been shopping for cameras. I decide on one when another - for a few dollars more- offers better this or that and I am once again undecided. The broken new camera has made me overly cautious. I have researched "lens error" and found it common and difficult/impossible to repair. Bummer.

***  How appropriate for a cat lady to move into the cat man's house.

**** "Jane" might have been the name of YC had I known about my great great grandmother's second set of twins and named my only set accordingly (and had I not been opposed to giving all of the children "J" names).

***** Is it not strange that we can avoid worry when we are thousands of miles apart  for months at a time, but just be 10 minutes late on a walk and it is necessary to send out a search party? [OK. Maybe it was 20 minutes.]

# (sorry, tired of asterisks).


Tacos - choriso, huevos, y frijoles
Came back to comment on breakfast and this photo was missing - Huevos rancheros and more.


  1. My mother often said, "Eat a good breakfast. You don't know where your next meal is coming from." DH listened today.

  2. Strangely, I got almost all of what you said. Does that say something about you or me? The images of the beast of leaves carried me away to the woods and that's a place I miss most of all. You'd think it would be the beach. Perhaps I spent too much peace there to ignore. Love you.


Thanks for coming along on the walk. Your comments are welcome.