Sunday, August 25, 2013

Short walks...up and down mountains

Yesterday's walks were short and, mostly, purposeful. I started at the bank where I stood in line for almost an hour, walking only a few inches at a time until finally reaching the clerk. Then I was the one holding up progress (Isn't that why one goes to the bank on a Saturday morning? You have stuff to do, business to transact. Fortunately I was "depositing" not "withdrawing.").*

Then, after a short drive, I walked the few yards from my car into my building, up the interior (and open) stairs, and into my office suite - to sit at my desk for most of the next 10 hours.

I did get up and raid the soda machine (it was a caffeine fueled work session). I searched for items in another office. I wandered to the windows to wait for DH who brought my late lunch, bless him.

But mostly I rolled back and forth in my chair. And sometimes I rocked back and forth and moved side to side from desk top, to computer, to stack of thick envelopes of records on the floor and back again.

Then, after hitting "send" for the 7th or 8th time,  I moved carefully down the stairs of the now mostly dark (poorly designed - but then we aren't supposed to be there after dark) building, stood at the exit, and waited for my eyes to adjust to the gloom. I noted the empty parking lot and scanned the area for spots where monsters, mad dogs, "Harry Scratch" and the "boogety man" people might hide.

Then I retraced my late morning steps the few yards to my waiting car.

Mountains were moved, but others remain.

*I did have a conversation with the guy who came in carrying two grocery bags of coins for the coin-counting machine. His "reportedly" week's worth of coins would take me months to collect. I glanced over to see the counter moving up over $200. I have no idea where it stopped. [Hey, what else are you going to do while waiting in line at the bank. People don't talk much. I didn't realize I needed a book. And I chose not to drink the bad coffee or eat a bank-provided snack (Pringles? Really?).]

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