Sunday, July 28, 2019

Don't go to the Estate Sale

It was haunted; 
but real hauntings have nothing to do with ghosts finally; 
they have to do with the menace of memory.
~ Anne Rice, The Queen of the Damned 

"Be careful what you bring into the house," she warned. "You never know what might be clinging to an object...what memory." Thus I'd been warned and I had heeded the warning for a good long time. 

There are enough ghosts here without bringing in any extra things - haunted or otherwise. We do have enough stuff - and memories. But I was invited to the sale by a friend. She's be coming from a bit of a distance. Afterward we would go for a chat and some tea.

We had a great visit and I was careful in my selections. Button jars, a length of denim, red dominoes (really - RED), blue Pyrex bowls, the perfect pasta pot, and an egg plate...oh, oh...and a horned lizard cookie cutter (I will bet you have never seen one of those!). 

Yes, I have already revisited my childhood by searching through the buttons and picking out those I will be using for my latest project (yoyo turtles for folks who helped me with a reptile class this summer).  There was also a zipper foot for a Singer (sewing machine part for those of you who don't know what a zipper foot is) and a garter clip (I don't know the last time I saw one of those). 

Zipper foot (everyone needs a spare) and garter clip (this was a BONUS - haunting memory from pre-pantyhose days)
I heard Dad and his buddies at the hunting lease as I counted the dominoes and then put them away.

"Oh oh Domino" ~ Van Morrison
Kitchen things always reminds me of my mother and grandmother - both incredible cooks. The small blue Pyrex bowls match larger bowls we use every day. The pot is Farberware (what I was raised with and still use) of a size I have given away to my children and have discovered I still need. It appears that it was never used. By heavens, I'll use it!

Okay - I am obsessed with deviled egg plates. I once had my grandmother's and mother's and others that came home with me from garage and estate sales for years because they looked so sad. I knew that the kids would need one at some point. I think I had six in the cabinet until recently when they went to happy homes with my girls and a niece. So, I suppose I thought I needed one again. The cabinet felt a little empty. And this one is small - it will only hold 12 deviled eggs. <sigh>

Egg plate - don't tell.

The cookie cutter will haunt me only for the next couple of weeks. I have finished one 10-year project and there is clay calling.  I'm sure I can figure something out.

Okay...this thing is haunted...took me 20 minutes to get the photo to upload and post. Really.
Sometimes the ghosties want to come home with you - sometimes not. But afternoon tea and conversation with a friend is ALWAYS the perfect way to end a weekend. Thanks for the invite TJH!

1 comment:

  1. Oh...just one more thing... As we were walking from our cars to the sale I looked up and saw a Mississippi Kite flying overhead. I think it was a sign.


Thanks for coming along on the walk. Your comments are welcome.