Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Rain and then butterflies

 A fallen blossom
returning to the bough, I thought --
But no, a butterfly. 
~ Arakida Moritake, Traditional Japanese Poetry: An Anthology

Every time I stepped outside today it rained. It poured as I headed out to walk Zelda at 7:00. It rained again when DH picked me up for lunch. We also wrapped up in rain jackets to get in and out of the clinic (all is well - just wet).

Finally, the rain stopped and I headed to see how much water was moving down the creek.

Weather reports had been dismal. This storm crossed the state flooding out campgrounds and roads. Four are still missing along the Llano. At lunch most cell phones rang out to warn of flash flooding in the area.

In the park the creek was in flood and moving muddily along. The sun came out. Birds were drying their wings. And the butterflies - the butterflies were celebrating the sunshine.

Hackberry Admiral (and housefly)
Seven-spotted Ladybird
View from the bridge.
No ducks on the creek.
Fiery Skippers
Grey Hairstreak
There were two Black Vultures drying their wings.
Our Red-shouldered Hawk perched across the creek. It too was holding its wings out.
The squirrels looked to be hiding nuts. The didn't miss Zelda and Ginger.

High in a tree there was one tiny yellow-breasted bird that escaped the camera and identification. It could be any of a number of fall birds. Maybe we will see it in the morning.

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