Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Beware the pack!

After all the excitement of the afternoon one would think we would give it a rest - especially as our new friend had FINALLY stopped barking. But there was an argument to be made that the pack needed an outing to cement the new  relationships.

So, off we went to North Belton. It is a short, but intense walk - requires crossing Main Street at an uncontrolled crosswalk and then at a light. And there are times crossing at the x-walk is simply impossible.

It became clear immediately that Scruffy has not walked on a leash regularly. It was also fairly obvious that he was humoring us at the vet - he has a strong pull...VERY strong pull. We shortened his leash to keep him out of the street and allowed Padimus to be the example of proper walking behavior (She only behaves because of habit and a pinch collar. I am a little ashamed of my failure to train, but there it is.).

The only worrisome moment was when there was a "tripping up" of one handler in the middle of the street. That was soon remedied, but it makes the need for lots of walk training abundantly clear.

We have been back about 45 minutes and Scruff is "intermittently" barking. He has until 9:30 before I bring him into the house and crate. This may mean no late walks if we cannot get some handle on the barking at night.

Our boy will report that Paddy barks at night, but I have never heard her perform like this.

Barking is slowing now. Yeah! Perhaps I am too sensitive. This may be like your kids misbehaving in Walmart or a restaurant. They bother you more than they are bothering others. But then again...

Where are we going?

3/4 of the pack

Sharing a scent.

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