Saturday, July 23, 2011

Is it time for a stand and feeder? (Just kidding folks)

DH, Paddy and I startled two does and a (nice) buck - all crossed the dirt road in front of us into a stand of trees and then crossed the left side of the first meadow. We got to the second meadow and Paddy was scanning everything - disappointed it was empty. We entered the park and heard (and then saw) the same deer...must have paralleled the road and exited the trees into a field beyond. As we headed home we saw two small bucks trying to cross the busy street coming towards us. They waited and then ran at us along the creek...saw us and disappeared into the woods. Paddy was going crazy...DH and I decided it was just the teenagers, oversleeping and getting into the park late...

Monday, July 18, 2011

Turn of luck

Clouds blocked the dawn stirring up childhood fears (Are YOU afraid of the dark?); I forgot Paddy's water; Paddy - deciding she is a GUARD dog, not a watch dog - growl-barked and lunged at a (strange) runner. I decided to try the first meadow anyway.

The meadow was empty and it seemed we were either too early or too late when one doe entered the meadow from our right and stopped...took a step, then another...then took a step towards us as Paddy and I held our breath (sometimes Paddy is the best behaved, most intuitive animal). Suddenly the deer let out a warning noise - like the lout "shushing" of a mother or an exhausted exhale of breath. She and two other does broke into a run across the meadow while Paddy and I stood motionless. Then we headed home...

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Deer (and a bicycle)

Walked down the dirt road that parallels the park. (We used to let Paddy run a bit here until she decided she didn't need to be in visual contact and "took off" for about an hour - scaring us all silly.) Approaching the first meadow we saw some movement - four deer. They finally saw us and ran into the tree line as Paddy yanked the leash (and my arm). At the second meadow we saw nothing, but heard a big crash in the woods (it is on these days I am especially glad DH is along). We circled around into the park mostly watching our feet - huge cracks and holes in the parched areas surrounding the soccer field. Suddenly a whole herd of deer came crashing through the brush towards us (briefly) - one medium sized buck, two fawns and about 4 or 5 does...after they spied us the group scattered, except the fawns. They stopped and looked us over just a minute or so and then bounced back into the brush...